terça-feira, 24 de junho de 2008

Throughout the year as an E-team we got on fine and each one was responsible and exchanged ideas, materials, pupils´work. Although we live far from each other we tried to be in touch through mobilephone and meetings over the weekend.
Therefore, we would like to take this opportunity to thank each other, the coordenator of Edu-LE Dra Carla Ferreira, collaborateurs and our fellow colleagues.
We would also like to thank parents for allowing the photos to be published on the Net.
Last but not least, we would like to emphasize the importance of this kind of work in exchanging our ideas with our fellow colleagues and net comunity, and keeping updated record of our work.

We would like to wish everyone the best for the future.

See you next year!
Irish blessings!

segunda-feira, 23 de junho de 2008

A party to celebrate the end of the year

Children from the 2nd grade from EB1 P/E Vale e Cova do Pico School are going to sing Betty the cow song in order to celebrate the end of the year at a party. The song was learnt during a workshop "SONGS AND VIBES".

Betty the Cow
"Betty the cow was walking one morning in the field,
I´m hungry, i´m hungry,
I want something to eat.

I´m hungry, I´m hungry,
I want something to eat.

A red flower..... a blue flower....

Children from Eb1/PE do Jardim do Mar School are going to sing "the wheels on the bus" in order to celebrate the end of the year.

Work done by children from EB1 P/E do Jardim do Mar

sexta-feira, 13 de junho de 2008

Children´s opinions about the Apple Pie

Eu acho que o blog é divertido porque fomos nós q o fizemos com a nossa professora.
Dimas 3rd gade (Vale e Cova do Pico School)

Na minha opinião o blog é importante poque lembramos as actividades realizadas e festividades celebradas.
Eloísa 3rd garde (Vale e Cova do Pico School)

Acho que o blog foi importante fazer porque assim já não nos esquecemos do que aprendemos.
Sara 3rd gade (Vale e Cova do Pico School)

Na minha opinião o blog está "giro" e foi importante fazer-se porque aprendemos e fizemos actividades que algumas pessoas não conhecem.
Anabel 3rd gade (Vale e Cova do Pico Schol)

segunda-feira, 9 de junho de 2008

Mother´s Day

The pupils from EB1 P/E de Vale e Cova do Pico used the letters of Mother to create an acrostic based on this one

Here is an example:

"M" is for the million things she gave me,
"O" means only that she´s growing old,
"T" is for tears she shed to save me,
"H" is for her heart of purest gold;
"E" is for her eyes with love light shining,
"R" means right, and right she´ll always be,

Put them all together they spell


quarta-feira, 4 de junho de 2008

Mother and father´s Day

In order to celebrate these beautifull and well-known traditional days around the world, the pupils from EB1 P/E do Jardim do Mar did a mother´s card, painted it and sent a message as well as a present representing a jewel.
In order to celebrate Father´s day, the children also did and painted a beautifull Father´s day card with a message.

Mother and father´s Day